I am a Spectacle

When you get up tomorrow morning, take out two small seconds out of your busy schedule and say to yourself as soon as you open your mind, “I am a Spectacle”. Don’t say it in a repetitive manner, say it with conviction because only by saying it with conviction can you tell yourself that it’s the truth and that you truly believe in yourself and this fact. And believe me, it is a fact.

You may not accept it at first. It may seem absurd. But you are, indeed, a wonderful spectacle. You are a creation beyond all other creation. You are the person with limitless capability and imagination. Because you may not be exceptionally bright or talented. In fact, most people are not born with any talents at all. But you have a spark within you. You have that one fleeting feeling in which you tell yourself that you are made for bigger and better things than ever before. That is not a lie. You may be 42 or 24, 17 or 71 but you do have that possibility ahead of you. You can be bigger and better. In not in physical structure then in thought and dreams and actions. No one asks you to be a philanthropist when you throw that odd coin to that beggar on the street but you do because you know that you are better off than that person.

So unshackle yourself from the restraints of your own mind and believe in this if nothing else, “I am a Spectacle!”