in tech

Facebook Notifications for Mountain Lion

Hey all,


Seems I’ve discovered a pretty good tool for Mountain Lion users. If you want to get Facebook notifications in your Notification Center in Mountain Lion, you can go to this website here and download a tool called Facebook Notifications.


Of course, if you don’t know, you’ll have to go to your System Preferences and then Security & Privacy to allow yourself to install applications downloaded from Anywhere. This disables OS X’s new feature called GateKeeper and lets you download and install all sorts of cool apps.

After you’ve installed the app and logged in to Facebook on it, you’ll be able to get notifications from facebook right into your notification center. The notifications open up in your default browser.

This app has been developed by a dev who liked the Facebook integration that was present in the Mountain Lion developer version and missed it in the Gold Master version…


So, go ahead, download the app and enjoy Facebook in Mountain Lion…

What do you think?


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